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Foto del escritorMª Ángeles Alfonso

Making history! (6Th)

Hi kids again! , I´m glad to be with you again!

CORRECTION of HOMEWORK ( from 27th to 30th of April)

At the begining we are going to correct as usual. Vamos a corregir los ejercicios como de costumbre

Translate the song (page 49),


Un fin de semana ocupado, un fin de semana ocupado.

Tuve un fin de semana ocupado con todos mis amigos.

Un fin de semana ocupado, un fin de semana ocupado.

Tuve un fin de semana ocupado

Hice mis deberes y leí un libro.

Luego envié un mensaje a mi amigo Anouk.

Nosotros nos encontramos en el cine cerca de nuestro colegio.

Vimos una película de miedo. Fue realmente buena.

Yo escribí un correo electrónico y me fui a nadar,

el sábado por la mañana con mi mejor amigo, Jim.

Luego, fuimos a un restaurante con Jane y Jake.

Yo tome una pizza de queso y pastel de chocolate

Domingo por la mañana y nosotros fuimos al zoológico,

Hicimos muchas fotos de los canguros.

Compramos un recuerdo y vimos las serpientes,

Pero pasamos corriendo los cocodrilos en el lago.


A busy weekwend, A busy weekwend,

I have a busy weekwend,

A busy weekwend, A busy weekwend,

I have a busy weekwend,

I do my homework and I read a book,

Then I send a text messge to my friend Anouk.

We meet at the cinema near our school,

We see a scary movie. It´s really cool!

I write an email and I go for a swim,

On Saturday morning with my best friend, Jim.

Then we go to a resturant with Jane and Jake

I have a cheese pizza and some chocolate cake.

Sunday morning and we go to the zoo,

We take lots of potos of the kangaroos.

We buy a souvenir and we see the snakes,

But we run past the cocrodiles in the lake!



EXERCISE 1 remember an + consonant a+ vowel

a) an iron hook.

b) a fairy

c) a button

d) an arrow

e ) an island


a) an island

b) a button

c) a fairy

d) an arrow

e ) an iron hook.

EXERCISE 3. Irregular plural—y- ies /f- ves

a) Child- children

b) Leaf-leaves

c) fairy-fairies

d) enemy- enemies

e ) foot-feet

EXERCISE 4. Remember has 3rd. Person (he,she,it) have the others (I,you,we, they)

a) have got

b) have got

c) hasn´t got

d) has

EXERCISE 5 Remember is- singular/ are- plural

a) there is

b) there are

c) there is

d) there is

e ) there are

f ) there are


a) Six b) not much c) one d) a lot

Desert race correction

Page 26 exercise 4

Hot- beach, sun, camel, shorts, desert, ice cream, sun glasses, cooker

Cold- polar bear, gloves, penguin, snow, skis, fire, coat, coffee, cooker

Page 31. Exercise 10

a) King Dabir

B) Queen Farrah

c) King Elaf

d) King Borat

e) Queen Cala

f) Queen Adiba


These new weeks we are going to review the regular verbs and the Jobs. (Vamos a repasar los verbos regulares y las profesiones)

Page 42: Exercise 4: Copy, look, read and remember. Later, answer the question. (Copia, mira, lee y recuerda. Luego, contesta la pregunta.)

Which sentence is in the dialogue?

Page 43. Exercise 6. Copy, translate and write in present. (Copia, traduce y luego pásalo a presente)

Page 43. Exercise 8. Copy the questions and answer, as you can listen the answers, next week I´ll give you the answers. (copia las preguntas y responde, como no puedes escuchar las respuestas, la próxima semana te las diré yo)

Have a Good week and enjoy walking with your family!

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