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Foto del escritorMª Ángeles Alfonso

The story of the Goldilocks and the three bears (5Th)


Hi children!

Page 38 of student´s book. Exercise 10. translate.

¿Dónde esta la librería? ¿Tú lo sabes?

Dime, por favor, por cual camino voy.

Primero gira a la izquierda y luego gira a la derecha.

Luego (Después) veras el semáforo.

Sigue recto. Pasa el colegio,

Después (Luego) gira a la derecha por la piscina.

Gira a la derecha de nuevo y hay una parada de autobús,

Al lado de esa, veras la librería.

Page 39. Exercise 13 Copy and say the numbers.

1. Wait for the green…

2. When you want to cross…

3. Walk quickly…

Page 39. Exercise 14. Read about bike safety. Then look, copy and say the letter.

1.E 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.F 6.D

NEW HOMEWORK ( from 11 TH. TO 15th OF MAY)

Listen to the story of the Goldilocks and the three bears.

Complete the sentences. Completa las frases.

1.Goldilocks is a girl that goes into the……….because is her favourite place.

2.She goes there and …….( escala, trepa) the trees.

3. In the middle of the forest there is a big……….

4. Three ….. live, there.

5. She is very ………..

6. Dad´s porridge is very……..

7. Mum´s porridge is very……

8. Baby´s porridge is just……

Answer the questions.

Who is Goldilocks?

How many bears are there?

Do the three bears like their breakfast?

Is Goldilocks hungry?

Is she tired?

Who is sad?

Who helps to Goldilocks to go home?


Send me a summarize to my email, in English or in Spanih language.. Envia un resumen de lo que has entendido de la historia, puedes hacerlo en inglés o en español- o enviamelo por la web familia

Thank you and enjoy the week!

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