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Foto del escritorMª Ángeles Alfonso

The Story of the Three Billy-Goats (4Th)


Student´s book. Page 42. Exercise 3. Copy and translate. (Copia y traduce)

- ¿Tienes hambre?

- Si, lo tengo.

- Yo también, ¡vamos a comer!

- ¿Cuánto cuesta la sopa?

- Es 4 euros, cincuenta céntimos.

- ¿cuánto cuesta la ensalada?

- Es tres euros, setenta y cinco céntimos.

- ¿Cuánto cuesta el sándwich de jamón york?

- Son dos euros, noventa céntimos.

- Perfecto. Tengo dos euros, noventa céntimos.

- Y yo tengo cinco euros. Vale, el sándwich de jamón york para ti y la sopa par mi.

Page 42. Exercise 4. Write the name of the food and write with letters the numbers. Look at the example: If you don´t remember the numbers, click here )

1. Sandwich- two euros, eighty cents.

2. Cereal- one euro, seventy- five cents.

3. Fried egg, sixty- five cents.

4. Salad- three euros, seventy- five cents.

5. Meat- four euros, twenty five cents.

6. Volver a la casilla 2

7. Ham- three euros, thirty cents.

8. Rice- two euros, sixty cents.

9. Soup- four euros, fifty cents.

10. Toasts- two euros, thirty-five cents.

11. Volver a la casilla 3

12. Chocolate cake- four euros, twenty five cents.

13. Pizza- one euro, eighty five cents.

14. Sandwich- two euros, eghty cents.

NEW HOMEWORK ( from 11 TH. TO 15th OF MAY)

Listen to the story of the three Billy-goats.( Escucha la historia de los tres cabritos)

Complete the sentences. Completa las frases.

1. In the story there are………..goats(cabras)

2. Daddy is very, very……….

3. The Grass is very……(colour)

Underline the right Word. Subraya la palabra correcta.

1. There are four/ three goats.

2. They see a house/bridge.

3. Under the bridge there is troll/ mouse

4. The baby goat said: I´m big but the next goat it´s very big/ small.

5. I want to eat/ listen you.

6. In the evening/ night they go home.

Send me a summarize to my email, in English or in Spanih language.. Enviame un resumen de lo que has entendido de la historia, puedes hacerlo en inglés o en español- o a través de la web familia.

Thank you and enjoy the week!

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