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Foto del escritorMª Ángeles Alfonso

The Three "R"

Hi kids again! , I´m glad to be with you again!


1.Listen to the story: the town mouse and the country mouse. Later answer these questions.

1. Who visits the country mouse? the town mouse

2. How many birds can you see in the nest? There are three birds.

3. Who said “Welcome to the country? the country mouse

4. Does the town mouse like the cheese? No, he doesn´t./ No, it doesn´t.

5. What does he like? He likes pizza.

6. Does the town mouse like pizza? Yes, he does/ Yes, it does.

7. What do they have for lunch in the country? cheese

8. Do they go to sleep late in the country? No, they don´t

9. How do they go to the town? By bike.

10. Does the country mouse like the town? ? No, he doesn´t./ No, it doesn´t.

NEW HOMEWORK (from 18th to 22th of May)

Listen to The Earth and complete.

Hello, I´m the 1 E………, the very planet you 2……..(vivir) on. There are 3…………words which start with a letter 4……..which I 5.………(adorar, amar) They are 6 R…….,7 R………,and 8 R……….

They are 9 ……..words. It´s magical because we need your help to do the trick.

The first R is 10………there are many things you 11 ….(negative)need, when you go to the 12 s…… you can take your bag, and with this action it´s 13 ……(reducir)the plastic which is very contaminating.

Don´t print out so many documents or papers. Don´t leave lights 14t…………. or 15 c………. when you are not using them. If you do this you are helping to reduce the contamination.

The second R is for 16 R………………. Now is easier tan ever to 17………(reciclar) things we don´t need anymore so that they can be reused. There are different containers: for cans plastic, 18…..(papel)or organic waste. Using them we will avoid contaminating nature.

Finally we have the third R which refers to 19 R………… We can reuse a lot of things again and again: piece of 20……(papel), a cartón 21 …….(caja), plastic 22 ….. (botella). Remember with les contamination we Will enjoy a better 23 ……..(vida). Children can make a 24….(mundo) of difference.

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