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Foto del escritorMª Ángeles Alfonso

Town mouse and the country mouse (6Th)

Hi kids again! , I´m glad to be with you again!

CORRECTION of HOMEWORK ( from 4th to 8th. of may)

Page 42: Exercise 4: Copy, look, read and remember. Later, answer the question. (Copia, mira, lee y recuerda. Luego, contesta la pregunta.)

Which sentence is in the dialogue? Did he travel to Africa?

Page 43. Exercise 6. Copy, translate and write in present. (Copia, traduce y luego pásalo a presente)


People from history: gente de la historia.

Gustavo Eiffiel era (fue) un arquitecto e ingeniero de Francia. Él vivía en Paris y diseñó la torre Ifel. Diseñó la estatua de la libertad también, pero no viajó a Nueva York para verla.

Luisa Boyd era (fue) una exploradora y científica de los Estados Unidos. Ella amaba el ártico. Viajo a los Estados Viajo a Groenlandia y Noruega en barco. En Groenlandia, estudio los glaciares y las plantas del Ártico.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart era (fue) un músico y compositor de Austria. Cuando era un niño, viajó alrededor de Europa con su familia. Tocaba el violín y el piano para reyes y emperadores. Compuso su primera sinfonía cuando tenía 9 años.

Walt Disney era un director de cine de los Estados Unidos. Vivía en Los Ángeles. Invento a Mickey Mouse (el ratón Mickey) y al pato Donald. Dirigió muchas películas famosas. Abrió un parque temático famoso llamado Disneyland (la tierra de Disney)


Gustave Eiffel is an architect and enginer from France. He lives in Paris and he designs the Eiffel Tower. He designs the Statue of Liberty too, but he doesn´t travel to New York to see it.

Louse Boyd is an explorer and scientist from the USA. She loves the Arctic. She travels to Greenland and Norway by ship. In greenland, she studies glaciers an Arctic plants.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a musician and composer from Austria.When he is a child, he travels around Europe with his family. He plays the violín and the piano for kings and emperors. He composes his first symphny when he is nine years old.

Walt Disney is a film director from the USA. He lives in Los Angeles. He invents Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. He directs a lot of famous films. He opens a famous theme park called Disneyland.

Page 43. Exercise 8. Copy the questions and answer

1. China

2. Alexandria

3. The radio

4. Everest

5. India

6. The piano.

NEW HOMEWORK ( from 11 TH. TO 15th OF MAY)

1.Listen to the story: the town mouse and the country mouse. Later answer these questions.

1. Who visits the country mouse?

2. How many birds can you see in the nest?

3. Who said “Welcome to the country?

4. Does the town mouse like the cheese?

5. What does he like?

6. Does the town mouse like pizza?

7. What do they have for lunch in the country?

8. Do they go to sleep late in the country?

9. How do they go to the town?

10. Does the country mouse like the town?

2. What do you think it is better to live in the country or in the town? Why?

3.Send me a summarize to my email, in English or in Spanih language.. Envia un resumen de lo que has entendido de la historia, puedes hacerlo en inglés o en español- o envíamelo por la web familia.

Thank you and enjoy the week!

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